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 …Strategies Tried and Tested by 100s of Private Coaching Clients…


    – The NEW 7-Week Virtual Course –

Rebecca Allen helps you

Recognise Your Professional Value, Direct Your Career and Let Your Brilliance Shine!

In This Exclusive Online Course…


… You Will Learn Practical Strategies, Across our 7-Step System, to Gain the Recognition You Deserve!

The Career Accelerator Game Plan is a practical course you can study in the comfort of your own home, designed to fit into your schedule.

Over 7 weeks, you’ll enjoy diving into a number of tried and tested strategies that have been used with great success by 100s of professional women before you to help you get ahead, not just in your career… but in life too.



Are you finally ready to take ownership of your professional value so that you can bring your most confident, fulfilled YOU to the table – at work, at home and in all your decision making?

If so, then this will be the most important course you take this year.

Rebecca Allen Founder of Illuminate Personal Growth

The Career Accelerator Game Plan is a 7-step tried-and-tested system, designed to help you take ownership of the phenomenal amount of professional value you are already adding so that you build a deep sense of self-confidence, make clear decisions (for you and your career) and make incredible gains in your career.

You’ll get unstuck and begin to take big action that will help you create more opportunities and a more fulfilling career.

This is NOT just any other course…

This is a highly practical, strategic on-demand online training that shares numerous tools and processes that have already helped 100s of women before you take great strides in their lives and careers.

This is about feeling valued and recognised for your input.

It is about being sought out for your opinion and expertise.

It is about finding greater meaning and purpose.

These are proven strategies that get results.

The women who have taken action as a result of these lessons have built more profitable careers, developed a deeper sense of pride in their work and return home feeling empowered, enriched and alive! 

I have worked with women CEOs, Senior Leaders, Senior Managers and Emerging Leaders in a range of industries including…

  • Law
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Energy
  • Investments
  • Consultancy
  • Advertising
  • Health & Medical research

And many, many more.

 Imagine if you too felt wildly successful in your career, capable of anything?

 Imagine if you could show up to any meeting, negotiation or discussion with a deep-seated knowledge and acceptance of the innate value you offer?

 Imagine if you breezed through tough decision-making situations with greater confidence?

 Imagine being the woman you have always wanted to be – not just at work, but also at home?

If that were your reality, what positive impact would that have on your relationships?

 Imagine if you could overcome your own objections and begin to perceive yourself fully as the talented, intelligent asset that you already are?

How would that fast-track your success?

Well, that’s exactly what I want to help you achieve in The Career Accelerator Game Plan virtual course.


Before I go on, I want to set some realistic expectations.

Yes, what I teach in this course has enabled women to…

negotiate far better financial deals for themselves (to support themselves, their families and lifestyles)

…receive more regular feedback and recognition

…build a tremendous amount of confidence, leading them to take on more fulfilling roles that play to their strengths

But they were also women who have realised they needed to invest some time in themselves and into what they want, to be prepared to cut off distractions and focus in on the information, systems, tools and strategies that I share … and then take action.

Your outcomes and your success are directly proportionate to the degree of action you take.

And that is ALWAYS your responsibility.

(This course will not benefit people who adopt a ‘victim’ mindset, who blame the world for their situation or think results come without doing any work – you know who I mean). 😉

This course is for women serious about leading lives and careers that fulfil them and make them proud – women like you!


Consider those moments where you stepped away from a potentially life or career-changing opportunity…

Or moments where you stepped back because you doubted yourself, your credibility or your worth…

This course could truly be your defining moment of the year.

A warning though: the offer on this course is time sensitive and so, if you want ‘in’, you need to act fast

The Career Accelerator 
Game Plan

Proven Strategies to Help You Recognise Your Value, Drive Your Career & Let Your Brilliance Shine

7-week Virtual Course

After running successful executive coaching programmes both within organisations and privately for the last decade, I have wanted to give more women the opportunity to benefit from these practical strategies too.

There is nothing more fulfilling for me than…

… hearing a client recount a successful salary negotiation meeting, or

… listening to a client tell me she has pitched for her ideal role and got it, or

… hearing a client share yet another example where her newfound confidence helped her gain the recognition she deserves.

And when I do things… I always do them properly.

And that’s why this course is unlike any other course out there.

Would you like a sneak peek at what the course portal looks like?

With your own unique login, you’ll come straight to this page.

The navigation is super straight forward: you just click on the Module you’re studying and you’re in! Learning has never been this easy!


So What Can You Expect From This Course?

First and foremost, it’s about you and what you want from your career… not your boss, not your organisation…but you.

The course is hugely practical with tried and tested strategies that get results – you just need to do the work with each tool, apply the learning to you and decide on your action… it’s that simple.

It is totally flexible which means you can login to your training materials from any device and start and pause the trainings whenever you like.

There are 6 focused modules, each made up of short video lessons (2-12 minutes) and worksheets so that you can brainstorm and draw tonnes of value from every single lesson.

As a guide, expect to commit 1 hour a week to watch the training videos, plus a bit of reflection time for the best results.

There’s support – you can email me, ask any questions at our weekly Q&A and benefit from the support of our exclusive facebook group too.


With this course you will stop second-guessing yourself…

And have the confidence to show up and fast-track your success.

This course is a total no-brainer.


Here’s How It Works

The Career Accelerator Game Plan is a step by step process where you’ll be having light bulb moments and taking action right from Module 1.

With the learnings from this course you will feel more certain and have the tools to make even better, more confident decisions for you and your career.

And it doesn’t matter if you’ve never done a course like this before… it also doesn’t matter if you have done plenty of professional trainings before… I assure you, you have never experienced a course like this one.

Because this isn’t just about you becoming a more ‘effective employee’ or a more ‘impactful leader’.

(Those are business, organisational objectives),

This is about looking at YOU as a whole – as a woman who has career aspirations as well as a life outside of work that she also wants to inspire, energise and fulfil her.

Let’s Take a Look at Exactly What You’ll Get Done On This Course

So, Would You Like to Hear More About Rebecca Allen, Your Expert Trainer?


Over the last decade Rebecca Allen has coached hundreds of C-level executives, Senior Leaders and Managers both privately and within organisations and from a range of companies including ANZ, Deloitte, E&Y, Origin Energy, Pavilion Energy, IHS Markit and Coca-Cola Amatil.

Rebecca is an internationally recognised RESULTS Coach and NLP Master Practitioner and has been trained in London, Singapore and Sydney by some of the industry’s finest. She values her family, ongoing learning, diversity and doing what you say you will; you’ll see her supportive, positive attitude and strengths-focused approach shine through in her trainings.


Don’t Go It Alone!

We all know it: corporate life can be lonely.

Does it sometimes feel difficult to ask for help?

Perhaps you feel judged at work?

Maybe you feel like it’s “too late” to be admitting weaknesses?

The more senior you become, the higher the expectation that you already have all the answers.

It can be an unforgiving, judgemental and unsupportive environment…

With our professional development courses, you can learn in your own space, feel wholly supported and finally overcome the real roadblocks to your progress…

No more generic advice and training…

Just a specific, practical and actionable step-by-step process to fasttrack your learning and success.

And it gets even better because…


For a Limited Time…
I am going to be throwing in a BONUS MODULE,

“Set Yourself Up For Success”

(which includes a “Self Worth” Spotlight Lesson)


What I have learned over the years of running trainings in organisations and coaching managers and leaders one-on-one, is you can learn all the skills in the universe….

But if you don’t believe that “you matter” or have the confidence to apply your skills or expertise, those skills mean nothing.

There’s no point in being the most educated or experienced person in the room if you don’t have the confidence to share your views, push back or ask for what you’re worth.

And that is why, for a limited time, you can access this Bonus Module crammed with valuable strategies and lessons on how to value yourself deeply and how to get the recognition you deserve…

You see, I didn’t want you to leave this course pumped to take on this next phase of your career…

Only to find yourself bogged down with negative thinking and not believing you are totally capable to achieve the outcomes you want in your life and career.

So that’s why you’ll find this Bonus Module included because I want you to set yourself up for total success because…

Your success is my success after all. 🙂

This Isn’t Just Another Course

Hear What Our Clients Say

Lisa Frawley, Marketing Operations

“Rebecca is extremely warm, personable, intelligent and insightful and I felt extremely comfortable working with her. She was a wonderful support and really helped me to work out what I wanted from my career and guided me through tangible action steps to achieve my goals. I would recommend her to anyone who needs support in making changes in their life!”

Rachele Marin, Head Designer

“In this course, Rebecca has helped me breakdown and manage my focus, conciliate between personal and professional values and helped me regain control. It’s so great to connect with Rebecca – she’s insightful and it’s so refreshing to have someone ‘outside of my own head’ to shine a light on what’s going on. Navigating through the portal is intuitive and Rebecca has even customised worksheets to facilitate your take-away from each lesson.”

Julia Reilly

“I can’t believe, in 6 months, how much my life has changed having worked with Rebecca. She has helped me become clearer of my end vision, given me tools to work through my plans and reduce the overwhelm. I am now crystal clear about what I want, both professionally and from my life and have a career plan. Rebecca’s enthusiasm, support, and positive thinking have really helped me stay focused and committed to my goals. The practical tools and processes Rebecca has given me have been powerful and invaluable.”

Celine Teissedre, VP, Energy Trading, Pavilion Energy

“I have spent 15 years+ working in Energy Trading. When I met Rebecca, I was stuck by some of my negative behaviours which were altering peoples’ perception of me, my career progression and my happiness! After my work with Rebecca, I am a lot more aware of my environment; my relationships at work have become more balanced; I’m more peaceful and can let go things that used to bother me; I’m a softer, more approachable leader; and I don’t get into the negative cycles anymore. Rebecca has contributed very much to these improvements.”

And wait…

It’s gets even better because for a limited time I’m also throwing in 2 more bonuses:


Done-For-You Scripts

To Combat the 9 Most Common Pay Rise Objections

(Valued At $297)


During your salary negotiations, do you encounter objections from your boss like, “You’re already paid more than your peers” or “We just don’t have any budget to give you a raise this year”?

Do you struggle not knowing what to say or how to push back?

Do you leave those meetings feeling dejected and annoyed with yourself that you couldn’t negotiate the salary you really wanted?

Right here in this bonus are over a dozen different scripts that you can learn or adapt to suit you… so that you arrive to your salary negotiation feeling prepared knowing  exactly what to say should your boss push back or outright reject your request for a better salary.

Yep, that’s right, you can leave all the hard thinking to me 🙂

In minutes you’ll have the tools and the confidence to negotiate better deals for your career.

Sounds great right?!

I thought so too.


360 Review 

(Valued At $297)



We have compiled a done-for-you review, preloaded with both a Personal Review and a Stakeholder Feedback Assessment so that not only can you quickly assess how you’re tracking…

You can also gather feedback from your key stakeholders.

You’ll quickly get some feedback whilst also being able to weigh up if your intentions are matching the perception key stakeholders have of you.

Our 360 Review will give you instant feedback on areas to focus on whilst also asking stakeholders to assess how they can help you more to set you up for success too…

… so it’s a win-win!  🙂

And remember BONUS #3:

Entire Bonus Module 

“Set Yourself Up For Success”

(Valued At $497)


This module has an extra special Spotlight Lesson that hones in on your Self Worth. Why is that in there?

Because it could be that in completing the first 6 modules you uncover an absolute heap of value but then imposter syndrome rears its ugly head and you are still doubting the validity of the value… or doubting how real it actually is.

That’s where this whole Bonus Module steps in.

Because I want to give you the tools to Set Yourself Up For Success in every way possible and that’s why this bonus module – a gift from me to you – includes lessons on:

  • Self worth
  • How to gain greater recognition for your work
  • How to play to your strengths more regularly so that you shine with ease
  • Action plan for the next 6 months, taking all your learnings from this course into a practical one-page manageable game plan

See, I told you it was practical… there’s no fluff here! 😉

Some More Happy Clients

Tracey Batenburg, E&Y

“I just wanted to emphasise what a big help my career coach, Rebecca Allen has been in helping me secure my new role. I’ve really taken a massive step up the career ladder (the role holds an internal ranking of assistant director) and a significant pay rise. Rebecca has been brilliant in helping me identify the direction I want to take, what I want and working out the steps to achieve them. I am seriously impressed with the results that she is (still) helping me achieve and I recommend her to each and every one of you if you are struggling to find direction in your career.”

Bianca Amin, Marketing

Rebecca encouraged and guided me to reflect on what my core values and beliefs were and how to realign these with my ultimate goals. My choices are now governed by a deep seated knowing of who I am and what truly makes me energised. I feel at ease with my efforts and activities and I now operate from a more productive and progressive perspective.”

Natascha Kalnins

“The cumulative work I have done with Rebecca resulted in unbelievable breakthroughs. Here are some of the areas that helped me continuously move forward:

  • Goal setting strategies to set a series of clear and thought-through short, medium and long term goals to keep me on track.
  • Interview techniques to focus on the value I can add, rather than worrying about every detail requested in the job description.
  • Techniques to negotiate a salary increase at final interview stage.

The work I did with Rebecca on my values and beliefs, coupled with the mind-mapping we did have truly opened my eyes up to what I truly want – this aspect alone has been life changing.”


“Rebecca has also helped me to:

  • Get promoted!
  • Be invited to work on a large scale project with our CFO
  • Take ownership of my own career and where I want to go next
  • Improve my visibility at work, including putting myself forwards to run an internal training programme
  • Strengthen my communication and leadership skills within my team environment
  • Feel more confident presenting to more senior staff
  • I have developed stronger social and business relationships with my team and feel more confident talking to clients and colleagues
  • I have learnt to seek the good opinion of select people, rather than wanting to get on with everyone. This change has had a dramatic positive impact on my confidence.
  • I am much happier at work”

Option #1

Pay in full (best price)

AUD $1,795

Option #2

1 x AUD $750 +

2 x $600 (instalment option)

AUD $1,950

Do I Qualify?

You need to be committed to taking action to help yourself and your career. 

If you’re just interested in learning some theory, this course isn’t for you. 


You need to be open-minded and willing to accept there might be alternate ways to achieving your goals.

If you’re of the view that the word is against you or that you’re powerless to make new results happen, this course isn’t for you. 


You need to be prepared to invest in yourself and your career to benefit from newfound esteem and confidence.

This course is for the top 10% of women who are committed to taking the action required that could revolutionise their prospects and their lives.


You need to be willing to roll up your sleeves, do the work by applying the strategies to your own circumstances.

If you intend to watch the trainings passively you won’t benefit from this course. This is a premium course and it requires your active involvement, commitment and focus to achieve results.


Lastly, we have a strict “nice people only” policy.

If you’ve got an attitude, ego, or feel entitled to whinge and complain about anything and everything, then this course is not going to work for you. We work with committed people who value our support and encouragement.

Your Questions Answered

  1. Why did you create this course?

Many years ago, I made a big career shift into personal and professional development. I had been working long hours in a corporate setting and wondering what else was out there for me.

Since then over the last 10 years, I have coached hundreds of women and in those 1000s of executive coaching sessions, I have seen a number of consistent themes emerge.

One such theme, that comes up again and again with my female executive clients is that they doubt their value. And it stunts their progress hugely.

Women are phenomenally talented, intelligent and rounded individuals who sweat blood, guts and tears to achieve at the highest levels both personally and professionally and yet, so many women doubt that value.

They struggle to identify the intellectual value they add, the commercial, operational, strategic and tangible value they add…. And even if they do identify that value, often, they will still doubt its validity or reality. They struggle to take ownership of it. And as a result, many women also feel undervalued.

That theme alone is what prompted me to design The Career Accelerator Game Plan virtual course.

Because… let’s face it – enough already!

How many careers has that doubt impeded?

How many awesome opportunities are lost to women simply because they don’t believe they have what it takes (when they probably already do)?

This course is loaded (and I mean loaded) with strategies that 100s of real women before you have already put to the test that have given them gain the deepest confidence in their value which has helped them to:

  • Negotiate better salaries and financial deals
  • Gain appropriate recognition for their work
  • Direct their careers in a proactive way so that opportunities align with their deepest values
  • Make new opportunities happen that enable their true strengths to shine
  • Elevate their position and relevance in the eyes of key stakeholders
  • And so much more

Sounds awesome right? Who doesn’t want a bit of that?


2. Do I already need to have a clear career plan to do this course?

No, you don’t. I’ll be showing you exactly how to get clarity not only of your KPIs and what your boss wants you to achieve… but also you’ll become really clear about what you want to gain from work – and from life – too.

Because, let’s face it, you’re the same person inside of work and out and all of your needs should be accounted for when you plan your career.

For your work to feel and be meaningful it must fit into a bigger picture plan.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a new manager or a seasoned leader, the career planning strategies outlined in this course will add tremendous clarity and certainty to your day to day.


3. What if I can’t think of one single way in which I add value?

It isn’t uncommon for people (men do it too) to doubt their value. I guarantee, by the end of this course, your mind will be blown by the wealth of value that you uncover. I am going to show you how to tap into that value, step by step, by walking you through my STEEP Value Model.

You’ll learn that you’ve already sitting on a vault of value. I will just give you the key to find it.


4. Will this course be worth my time?


  • Over roughly 6 weeks, you will gain more clarity and control over your career than you probably have ever done.
  • You will be able to recognise what makes you the valuable asset that you are and have the confidence to make better decisions for you and your career.
  • You will learn how to push back during salary negotiations to ask for the salary and package you deserve.

If you ever doubt yourself or run thoughts like,

  • “I’m not good enough;
  • “I don’t know why I can’t do this when other people can”;
  • “Only after I have achieved X, will I feel successful”…

… then you’ll gain a great deal from The Career Accelerator Game Plan.

I don’t exaggerate when I say this course is potentially life-changing and it could be the best 6 weeks you have ever spent!

All you need is to commit 1 hour a week to watch your training videos, plus some reflection time to work through the worksheets.

It’s up to you how much time you invest but obviously, the more time you spend reflecting on how things are and what needs to change… the more you’ll gain from this course.


5. What kinds of results do people get who do this course?

Our clients, who have actioned the strategies outlined in this course, have:

  • Negotiated better deals for themselves, sometimes way above their initial expectations
  • Dumped their working-mum guilt and returned home feeling like the role model they have always wanted to be, without the stress or overwhelm
  • Changed careers or into roles that align far better with their strengths and values enabling them to showcase their true skill with less effort
  • Reclaimed their pride, energy levels and sense of self worth

With all of that in place, what would be different in your life and career?

Disclaimer: Results are dependent on your own commitment. Results that previous clients have achieved are only an indication of what you could achieve too.


6. What makes this course special?

I know how busy you are.

I also know how many courses you have attended that have been lack-lustre, lacking any practicality, structure or accountability once it’s all over.

It is so irritating when you attend courses that are only vaguely interesting at the time but nothing changes. Time is a commodity you can’t get back.

One of the reasons why our coaching programmes and courses have been so successful and popular is that they quite literally are the opposite experience. The Career Accelerator Game Plan is unique in a number of ways:

  1. It is extremely structured
  2. It is practical
  3. It is totally flexible
  4. It is a series of short lessons
  5. It is definitely interesting
  6. It is fun!

All you have to do is follow the steps (lessons) outlined in the modules and you will follow the 6 step, logical system of this course. This course isn’t called a Game Plan for nothing!

We don’t teach anything unless you can apply it straight away or adapt (and then apply it). Our strategies work and get results. Each module is divided into smaller lessons which last no more than 15 minutes. You can pace yourself and start and stop whenever you like and from any device. Awesome right? The content is original and thought provoking and we always train with a smile on our faces and a spring in our step.


7. What stage of my career do I need to be in for this course?

The Career Accelerator Game Plan will add value to early and mid-level managers and early Leaders. Whether you are looking to change your career, change your role, interview for a new position, negotiate a better salary or simply want to recognise your value and direct your career more proactively, you’ll gain tremendous value from this course.


8. What research is your course based on?

Rebecca has coached hundreds of women in a 1-1 Executive Coaching setting over the last decade and has pulled themes that consistently emerge from these sessions to form the basis of the content for “The Career Accelerator Game Plan”.

There is also plenty of research that has come from the transformational field of coaching – which explores the root causes of why people do what they do; Neurological Linguistic Programming (NLP) – which looks at how our language portrays how we think; how men and women’s brains function to enable greater collaboration and productivity; personal branding strategies; tendencies and preferences across a range of measures including decision making, communication skills, problem solving and leadership.


9. How do I login to this course?

Once you have made payment you will receive confirmation of your payment as well as an invoice via email. You will gain instant access to our course portal by setting up a private password to access the course. Whenever you want to log back into the training materials, just click the same link and apply your password. You can also visit our website and enter the portal via our Member Login.


10. What support is included? / Can I upgrade and get coaching too?

You can join our weekly Q&A livestream that is hosted through our facebook group to ask any questions at all about our courses! You need to be a member of our facebook group to gain access.

And you can also send Rebecca up to 3 emails, with a question relevant to the course, that she will answer personally.

If you want to get results faster and want to add some personalised Career & Leadership coaching to your program just email us: courses@illuminategrowth.com.au and we will arrange a 15-minute call to discuss your needs.

11. Do you have any guarantees?

I am so sure you’ll get huge value from our courses. However if you aren’t happy, we aren’t happy! And so we offer a full refund policy within 30 days of purchase. We just ask that you provide copies of your completed worksheets from the first 3 modules of your course to qualify for the refund.


12. Do you have payment plans?

We accept all major credit cards. We offer two payment options:

(a) pay in full price – this is always going to be the best price

(b) pay in 3 instalments – pay $750 immediately and two equal payments of $600, 30 days apart.

Option #1

Pay in full (best price)

AUD $1,795

Option #2

1 x $750 +

2 x $600 (instalment option)

AUD $1,950


P.S. If you just scrolled right to the end, here’s a quick summary of what you missed! The Career Accelerator Game Plan is a 6-week virtual course (that you can start and stop whenever you like and requires 1 hour a week from you to watch the training videos plus some reflection time). This course is based on ten years of experience and research and is crammed with practical, tried and tested strategies that get results. You’ll take control of your career and its direction; seize opportunities better suited to your strengths and aspirations; and recognise the mountain of professional value you are already offering, but perhaps not acknowledging. 🙂 For a very limited time this course is on offer.

Best price pay in full

AUD $1,795