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And if you’ve arrived here, you’re most likely an aspiring senior leader in corporate (or you are one!) but you’re not getting the recognition you really deserve… which means you’re in the right place!


And learn how to articulate your value, back yourself with confidence and get promoted faster!

Despite you working really (really hard), you might not be getting the recognition you deserve right now…

Perhaps you feel invisible, have been overlooked for promotion or feel underpaid…

And you’d love to be better at ‘doing’ self-promotion and getting ‘sponsorship’ but it all feels inauthentic and awkward.

After months (and even years) of sleepless nights, worrying if you’re ever ‘good enough’ you might be feeling pretty unfulfilled professionally right now…

I hear you – and I’m here to help.

I exclusively coach corporate women, just like you, within our practical personal brand and leadership programs.

I know all about your unique challenges – and over the last 14 years, have helped thousands of women through my coaching, online courses and podcast – Her Ambitious Career – to overcome these exact challenges.


By helping you step it up, be more strategic, gain support and become that influential go-to expert who your leaders start seeking out.

Helping you create a purposeful, strategic ‘brand’ is the process that I love to teach time and time again because once you’ve got it nailed, everything will change for you! 

Are you ready to drive your career and enjoy the recognition you really deserve?


Get my Land Your Next Promotion Checklist for FREE here


Get my 21pg Workbook FREE, Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Your True Potential here

My podcast is a destination for quickfire, pithy and practical strategies that I know you’ll love

Where I, and my fabulous guests, (if I do say so myself!) share detailed self-promotion plans and ways to build your executive profile…

We talk about mindset (and getting over your doubt), authenticity, leadership, lobbying career sponsors (so you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself) and so, so much more.

We have fun, we are honest, we are super ‘how-to’ in our approach…

And we are here for you.  😀

Join our FABULOUS podcast subscribers and get access to free content every fortnight and get that kickstart you’re looking for in your career.

Find Her Ambitious Career on Apple, Spotify, Google and all directories.

I’d love to speak with you if you are ready now – and committed – to explore how our new way of coaching and training could help you transform both yourself and your prospects.

With me you will build your personal brand, get promoted faster, learn how to negotiate unapologetically for the pay you deserve and a whole lot more!

But before that… your best first step is to watch my FREE Masterclass and learn a stack about how to back yourself with confidence and create new opportunities in your career!

Watch the Masterclass now.

The 7 Habits Of Female Execs Who Get Promoted is all you need to get started!

Ep 151 (Shorty) – 3 Surprising Reasons Your CV Isn’t Opening Doors

Are you sending your CV out but not getting interviews? Here are 3 ideas to…

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How Diverse Career Experiences Make You a Stronger Leader

When we build a career we have choices. One choice is to dig deep into…

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Get Promoted to Senior Leadership: Watch My FREE Masterclass NOW!

Are you being told you're not strategic enough? Perhaps you're not being seen as 'senior…

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Ep 150 – Diversity of Experience: Leading Across Sectors & Continents, with Megan Thomson

When we build a career we have choices. One choice is to dig deep into…

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Ep 149 (Shorty) – 3 Assumptions That Are Killing Your Career Prospects

Are you making some BIG assumptions about your boss or your career that are actually…

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“Rebecca is extremely warm, personable, intelligent and insightful and I felt extremely comfortable working with her. She was a wonderful support and really helped me to work out what I wanted from my career and guided me through tangible action steps to achieve my goals. I would recommend her to anyone who needs support in making changes in their life!”


Lisa Frawley, Marketing Operations, Campaign Management

“Rebecca has helped me focus on my career progression by looking at the softer attributes e.g. politics, engaging difficult people and getting sponsorship.”

Brigid Robson, Director ANZ Bank, Relationship-Infrastructure Energy & Utilities

“I so appreciated the integrity, rigor and warmth Rebecca brought to our sessions. As a coach myself, I know how valuable having someone in your corner is when stepping up to a new and lofty height in one’s career or life. And I really did experience having Rebecca in my corner. She is remarkably astute and skilled in gently unravelling the vulnerable underbelly stuck pieces to enable real growth. Thank you Rebecca.”

Sarah Churchward-Norton

“Rebecca Allen’s respectful and direct line of inquiry quickly drilled down to the root cause of my challenges. She is strengths-oriented, which creates a really positive experience and I end every session feeling excited and inspired. Exploring my values has really helped me clarify what is important to me and the best direction to take. As a result I feel much more confident in my decision making.”

Sarah Hood, Consultant, KPMG

Sarah Hood
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