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‘I Don’t Know How to Talk About The Impact I Make’

Have you ever felt lost, unsure how to talk about the impact you make at work?

Feeling undervalued and under appreciated hurts.

Especially if it’s been this way for a while.

There are a range of potential reasons why your contribution isn’t receiving the recognition it deserves…

> Your boss might be under the pump and never seems to get round to giving feedback
> You might work in a biased environment that ‘favours favourites’
> You may have an unstructured feedback system in place at work
> Measures of success might not be set out or recorded…

Phew…and that’s just 4 reasons!



How to Talk About The Impact You Make At Work

But what if you could still feel a deep sense of recognition even if you didn’t feel wholly supported by your boss or your work culture?

What if you had the tools to help you assess for yourself where your value really sits?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned…

Once you know how to understand your own value you’ll never need to rely on external events, or other people, to validate you again.

And suddenly this hands all the control back to you.

If you were already to know and acknowledge that you’re adding tremendous value…

Identify yourself as an ‘asset’

And have the confidence to be who you want (and need) to be… nothing would be beyond you.

As we explore today how to talk about the impact you make at work…

We need to have a chat first about the fundamental reasons why acknowledging your value is so vital to your success and happiness.

And there are 5 reasons I’d love to share with you.

They’re all interconnected and all equally important.

Let’s get to it!



Reason 1: Set yourself up for success

I’m sure you’ll agree with me, no-one else but you is The Director of your own life.

But too often people rely on others to help them recognise their own worth.

And this is a failed strategy because being dependent on anyone else’s ‘good opinion of you’ will never set you up for success.

Imagine this: what if s/he withdraws her positive feedback one day? Where does that leave you?

I promise you… the biggest favour you could ever do for yourself is to start relying on your own good opinion and trusting yourself and your own judgment more deeply.

Reason 2: Financial gain

If you don’t already know how much value you add, and if you don’t see yourself as an absolute asset to your organisation, this makes for a very weak platform from which you can negotiate your next salary increase or bonus.

Have you ever thought about it like that?

To sell you, as an asset of the business, you have to be able to outline the value you bring to the party.

Let me explain.

Imagine two car sales reps: one is selling you a Fiat and the other, a Maserati.

The Fiat rep’s sales pitch is punchy but short… because (let’s be honest) there isn’t a great deal to say.

The Maserati rep however, knows he has to justify the hefty $$$$ tag on his model and talks enthusiastically for over an hour engaging you on the racing history of the brand; the limited nature of the model; the advanced engineering of the car; the artistry of the design; the elevated driving experience…

You get the idea. 😉

If you want The Maserati Salary, you need to be able to list all that unique, premium value that you bring with you.

You need to learn how to position yourself as the experienced expert that you are and sell you. Because if you don’t, no-one else will do it for you.


Reason 3: Become top of mind

If you demonstrate to your boss that you value yourself, he is more likely to value you highly too.

Not only will he respect your positive, self-respecting attitude, it will also build your credibility as a leader.

And when you’re seen as more credible, that’s when you become more deeply trusted.

Being better known for the impact you make, seen as a safe pair of hands and regarded as a leader will enable you to stay top of mind with key stakeholders.

And that means when opportunities do arise, you’re more likely to be made aware of them early and given the chance to shine.

Reason 4: Fast track your progress

Recognising your value will speed things up for you. No question.

Knowing that your contribution matters and makes a significant impact on your team and the business has a tendency to change things.

Doubting it’s truth or validity will change nothing. Would you agree? 😉

With this knowledge, you will start seeking more of the career outcomes that you want rather than settling for mediocrity.

And people who know what they want tend to get it

Whilst people who don’t ask, or who don’t chase down their dream outcomes, tend to get very little fulfilment at all.


Reason 5: Confidence and esteem

Now, this could very well be the single most important reason of all.

Once you really own your value, you do more than just merely list it out… you accept it and believe in its power to transform for your world.

With ownership of your contribution, everything changes.

And that is because your subconscious, fearful mind has stopped fighting you and has ceased urging you to ‘play it small’.

You have overcome that negative little voice telling you you’re “not worthy of a better job or a better life”.

You have overcome that self doubt sneering that “you’re not good enough”.

Because owning your value is a game changer.

With that confidence in what you’re offering you’ll make better, bigger, bolder decisions for you and your career…

You’ll push back on things you don’t agree with…

People will begin to seek you out for your opinion and expertise…

And that is just a taste of what recognising your professional value will give you.

Amazing right?

How could you start to recognise your value more deeply today?

Rebecca x

BIO: Rebecca Allen has coached hundreds of female managers over the last decade to help them realise their true potential and become their brilliance. Our virtual courses are designed to empower you to take control of your career, pave the way to your success and to get ahead – not just professionally but personally too. 

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