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Why I Actually Hate Most Women’s Magazines

You know what?

I’m sick to the back teeth of seeing trashy women’s magazine covers that sensationalise and pry on celebrity relationships…

That judge and devalue women…

That tell us we are too fattoo wrinkly or too unglamorous to make it in this world.

Enough already!

The media has worked out that to sell more products, advertising space (and more of their magazines)…

It needs to prey on our fears

Our natural human vulnerabilities

And actually encourage us to feel bad about ourselves…

So we buy the makeup…

The hair dye…

The slimming products…

The anti-wrinkle cream…

Because these magazines tell us that without them, we are not enough.

And it honestly makes me feel sick and so, so angry.

I want to let you into a secret…

(Which, in my company isn’t really a secret because I shout this ‘secret’ from the hilltops, very loudly, and A LOT)…

You are already absolutely 100% enough.



You already have everything you need to be happy and successful…

And yes, you might need a little nudge now and again to remind yourself of this fact…

But you are…already…enough.

And I so want you to feel that way all the time.

Because when you realise you don’t need any of that commercial stuff to feel truly good about yourself, everything changes.

That’s right.

I am soon launching a Career Success Workshop Series for professional women…

A live set of monthly workshops to help you:

> Build confidence

> Become more influential

> Own your (phenomenal) value

> Ask for what you want from your career

> Decide what you want from your career

> Get recognition

> Get paid your worth…

And I guarantee… a whole lot more.

Believe it or not, this monthly Workshop Series will be live… and totally on the house

Because I want you to learn exactly what you’re capable of…

And get some new results in your career.

So click here if you’re ready to sign up right now and gain full access to this series of live workshops

And I’ll send you some gifts straight away to get you started (but only if you’re an earlybird and sign up now!)

Let’s do this!

Rebecca x

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