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8 Belief ‘Flips’: How to Quickly Flip ‘Doubt’ into ‘Certainty’

There are unhelpful, negative beliefs… and there are positive beliefs.

But the tragedy is, your brain doesn’t differentiate them and processes all beliefs as the same thing: truths.

If you tell yourself, “Hey I can do this. This is going to be easy…” your brain will search for all the ways to make this task come easily to you.

Similarly if you tell yourself, “Hey this is so hard! I won’t ever be able to do this.” Then hey presto, your brain is looking for all the evidence to prove you right

And starts mining for all the reasons this task is going to be hard, hard, hard.

Your brain is that literal.

So it’s important to grab some awareness about the kind of self-talk you’re running, so you can challenge it before it gets you stuck in a rut.



Here are 8 negative self-criticisms… and more importantly, simple mindset flips you can use to change the patterns… and change your outcomes.

Every good life coach out there, every career and business coach is sharing these mindset flips with their clients and their clients are getting seriously exciting results.

Do you want a new way of thinking about yourself – and what’s possible – too?

Let’s do it!

See which one of these you want to change most and then focus on it for a week.

Observe exactly what changes when you flip the belief around…



Belief #1

“Can I do this?”

Flip: “Well yeah, I can do this because I have (list your evidence) e.g. done this before; seen it done successfully by other people; huge amounts of intelligence and if I choose to, I can put my mind to anything.”


Belief #2

“I’m not good enough…”

Flip: “I am already achieving X and succeeding at Y e.g. I already have plenty of experience and expertise to share and I am doing that. I still have more to learn and so does everyone else; that’s what makes us all human.”


Belief #3

“What if I make a mistake? / What if I fail?”

Flip: “If I make a mistake I will learn from it. A failed attempt does not make me a failure; a failed attempt just shows me which steps not to repeat and teaches me to try another approach.”



Belief #4

“This looks way too hard.”

Flip: “I will find the first, simplest step to make this work. I am an intelligent woman and I can solve any problem.”


Belief #5

“What if people judge me negatively?”

Flip: “Remember that I may be assuming people are judging me negatively when in fact, they are not. Seek out the good opinion of people whom I respect and no-one else.”


Belief #6

“I am not ready. / I am underqualified. / When I have X, then I’ll be able to do Y.”

Flip: “Because I am a human work-in-progress, I am always learning and unless I take that first step I will never know. At every point of this journey called life, I have huge amounts of value to offer and will never know all there is to know – no-one can.”



Belief #7

“Other people have this (positive thing) but I never will.”

Flip: “Focus on myself and stay in my own lane. Be my own best judge and define what success means to me.”


Belief #8

“What if things go so well that everything changes?”

Flip: “Change is part of growth and without growth, I stagnate. If things change as a result of my success then they are changing for a positive reason.”


Which belief are you going to smash through this week… or today?


P.S. Do you want more recognition in your career? I want that for you too!

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