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Ep 168 – 3 Ways You’re Abdicating Your Own Authority & Selling Yourself Short

Are you ASSUMING – or ABDICATING – your own authority? It’s the difference between backing yourself and believing in your value (and right) to be in any room… and abandoning all hope. I know which strategy I would rather adopt!


In my business I focus a lot of energy with clients on the concept of assuming your authority. When you crack this idea you make huge shifts in how you view yourself, how you start to show up and critically, how you are seen by the senior stakeholders around you.

Today I am sharing 3 significant ways in which you could be abdicating – or abandoning – your own authority.

These 3 actions – or inactions – will be having a significant negative impact on your career right now and your ability to realise your true potential. That’s how important this strategy is.

So buckle up! We are going to be covering a lot today.


Something important I said today:

…so until you start assuming your authority, backing yourself and showing up with a heightened sense of your value proposition to your organisation, you are likely doing something else entirely: you are likely abdicating, or abandoning, your authority and missing all the best opportunities in your career.” (Rebecca Allen, Host, Her Ambitious Career podcast)






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About Rebecca:

Hi, I’m Rebecca Allen and I’m an Executive Coach and Personal Brand expert for corporate women, aspiring to senior levels of leadership. I absolutely LOVE coaching and seeing my fabulous clients exceed their own expectations. I’ve worked for 11 years now as a coach and have helped women at companies including Woolworths, ANZ, J.P. Morgan, PwC, Coca-Cola Amatil, Ministry of Defence and Coles. I live for those phone calls from clients, jumping up and down, telling me they’ve got that promotion, negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. I’m a working mum of two wonderful children, adore travel and trying my hand at anything creative. I’d love to connect with you!

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