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Authentic Leadership: How to Model Key Behaviours

Jacinda Ardern, newly re-elected Prime Minister of New Zealand, is talked about a lot in the media.

She is the antithesis in many ways to the alpha, egocentric ways of many prominent political leaders of the moment.

Her warmth and ability to stop and take stock, survey the ‘mood’ before responding and connect with others demonstrates high levels of emotional intelligence which may also partly explain her recent landslide victory.


I’ve studied Jacinda Ardern from afar for a long time now. I think she’s a master leader.

She has a keen strategic ability; she is quick at mobilising and making decisions; she puts herself on the line; she unites; she is collaborative; and importantly, she always puts people first – not policies, or popularity – but people always come first.

Ardern makes authentic leadership seem effortless and we can learn a lot by observing – and modelling – some of her key behaviours.

I thought I’d make a quick list of some of the behaviours I observe in her that can be replicated. Add your ideas below and we can come up with an even longer list!

Ardern’s Authentic Behaviours:

1 She is her own person and makes decisions based on her values

2 She does what she thinks is right

3 She often demonstrates her human vulnerabilities in public

4 She collaborates, seeks advice and welcomes counsel from others

5 She puts people first always and seeks to listen, understand and connect

6 She respects others’ values through her words and her actions

7 She leads with integrity


What else does authentic leadership mean to you?



Rebecca Allen, COI of Illuminate Personal Growth, works with professional women to help them take their careers to the next level. If you are not feeling as successful as you would like, underwhelmed by your lack of career progress, looking for support and encouragement and keen to learn new skills to improve your prospects, then you’re in the right place. We provide global online career courses, courses for women, live workshops and leadership trainings in Sydney as well as 1-1 executive coaching. Get in touch!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. So I am torn on Jacinda.. i personally think she is great, and when you weigh her against other politicians then she seems to be a shining star.

    But in this year of elections, and covid, many of my Kiwi friend are completely against so i’ve been reading more to try and have a more justified reason, rather than, I just like her! I will share with you as and when I find interesting articles.

    Also, need to take into account that New Zealand is a relatively small country, relatively easier to make decisions in whether the politics is nowhere near as polarised as it is in the US or Brazil for example.

    1. You’re completely right Jaime. It’s a smaller country with a smaller population but either way… whether small or large… her approach and attitudes to leadership would be the same. Any insight is great to share so please do!

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