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Boss Overseas? The #1 Strategy to Stay Relevant

So a big complaint that a lot of my clients are coming to me with right now is that they’re struggling to be (and feel) relevant, working from home.

This seems to be exacerbated with clients whose global offices operate in different time zones to their own, where the window to ‘connect meaningfully’ with bosses or key decision makers, has shrunk to an hour or two each day.

So how you can you maintain visibility?

How can you showcase your value?

How can you demonstrate that you mean business and share your ambitions too?



Well, one of the simplest techniques, that I have seen work time and time again over the 13 years I have been coaching professional women, is to to write a monthly update.

Yup — it’s soooo simple and yet it can work minor miracles.

All you have to do is get into the habit of writing a consistent report and emailing it to your direct boss and/or other key decision makers around you every month.

In it, you share the same consistent information (but updated each time obviously).

So for example you might share:

  1. What you’re currently working on (share projects, where you’re adding value, what expertise or experience you have been gaining)
  2. Your wins from the last month (share data, results, hitting KPIs from you and your team)
  3. What hasn’t gone so well and your learnings from that/ what you’re doing to address it
  4. Ask them for opportunities to grow, to connect, to learn



What’s really interesting about doing this consistently, and adding updates monthly, is that your boss will come to expect to hear from you and even rely on you.

This results in lots of positive outcomes for you.

Here are just 3:

a) Your boss starts to see you as their eyes and ears on the ground locally — and they are likely to start asking you for news and updates

b) Your boss is going to be happy to see you’re on the pulse and interested in getting results and hitting KPIs — this is always helpful to be demonstrating outcomes and impacts

c) Your boss is likely to want to help you because you consistently demonstrate your leadership and proactivity; they may suggest you connect with other team members in the global office for example, to expand on projects and share resources and ideas

I hope you can see the power of this simple strategy.

It’s honestly gold.

Give it a try — but you have to stick with it…

Consistency is really important to establish yourself as that expert and that reliable, trustworthy source.

Let me know how you get on!

Rebecca Allen

Career Success Coach, Sydney Australia


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