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Ep 10: How Less is More When You Network Strategically, with Wendy Lloyd Curley

Oh my life! If I had 10 cents for every time I had attended a networking event feeling nervous and unsure of what my plan was, I’d have $13.60.


Which is why I called upon the fabulous Wendy Lloyd Curley – of Strategic Networking, who is very good at helping people improve their social influence – and asked her to share her advice on how women can network more strategically which, quite frankly, also makes it a lot more fun!

So in this episode we are talking confidence, understanding your objective when you attend any networking event as well as a heap of other golden nuggets…




·        The golden rule of networking: it’s not to sell (whether you’re in a Sales role or not); it’s about making connections to help you achieve your goals in the long term

·        Take all the pressure off yourself at events by asking the people you meet about them and always actively listen to their answers

·        Be targeted – quality connections should be your focus so don’t be distracted thinking you need to speak to everyone in the room

·        Simplify your strategy by using the PAL method (know your Purpose; have an Agenda; know the Length of time you have to get your result)

·       Learn to measure the results of your networking efforts

Let’s get into it – have a notepad handy!



Wendy said this in today’s ep:

“The first reason many people feel uncomfortable with networking is they don’t have a goal, a strategy or action that they’re working towards. A good first strategy is knowing why you’re there and finding 1-2 people to build relationships with. The quality of the contacts you make is far more important than quantity at every networking event you attend.”  (Wendy Lloyd Curley, guest on ‘Her Ambitious Career’ Podcast )


What are your experiences of networking?

What strategies work for you? Maybe you could share them in the comments below!

Make sure you have added Her Ambitious Career to your Spotify library so you never miss an episode!

Rebecca x

Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for ambitious corporate women who want to land dream opportunities and thrive personally too. She loves getting those excited phone calls from clients saying they’ve been promoted, have negotiated seismic pay rises or have moved into roles completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. Life is too short to settle for mediocrity at work! 

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