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Ep 108 – The Critical Difference Between Wanting & Needing To Be Liked

If you know you’re a people-pleaser and crave other people’s good opinions or validation to feel like you’re doing a good job (and it causes you endless anxiety!)… this episode is for you!


Hi there! I am Rebecca Allen and I am an Executive Coach and Personal Brand expert who helps my clients thrive in their roles and build their executive profiles as they do it…

A common challenge that many of these smart, qualified, high-achieving women encounter is the ‘need to be liked’.


What is the difference between ‘wanting’ and ‘needing’ to be liked?

And how wanting to be liked is actually really healthy and productive…

Whilst needing to be liked just brings with it untold anxiety and feelings of inadequacy.

If you have ever wanted to get over this ‘need to be liked’, this is the ideal starting point for you!

Let’s get started!


A little gem from me today  😉 :

Needing to be liked, where the expectation is that everyone will like you (as well as everything you say) means you’re always seeking control and certainty… which just sets you up to fail because in reality, we have none of either.  (Rebecca Allen, host of Her Ambitious Career podcast)





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About Rebecca:

Hi, I’m Rebecca Allen and I’m an Executive Coach and Personal Brand expert for corporate women, aspiring to senior levels of leadership. I absolutely LOVE coaching and seeing my fabulous clients exceed their own expectations. I’ve worked for 12 years now as a coach and have helped women at companies including Woolworths, ANZ, J.P. Morgan, PwC, Coca-Cola Amatil, Ministry of Defence and Coles. I live for those phone calls from clients, jumping up and down, telling me they’ve got that promotion, negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. I’m a working mum of two wonderful children, adore travel and trying my hand at anything creative. I’d love to connect with you!

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