Do you have a crazy track record of delivering phenomenal results and yet you're still…

Ep 75 – How Knowing Your Money Language Can Help You Negotiate a Better Salary, with guest Julia Scott
Want to know your Money Language? Learn how to ask for the pay you want with some fresh tools!
In this episode I am talking with Julia Scott about understanding your own ‘Money Language’…and how learning the ‘Money Languages’ of your boss or customers can help you be potentially more successful in negotiating better deals or salary remuneration packages for yourself.
Who doesn’t want to learn more about that?!
Once you understand your own Money Language you can learn how to ask for what you want with greater success.
Here are the 8 different personality Money Language types:
The Alchemist – they are idealists
The Romantic – they spend money freely and spend for emotional purposes
The Connector – a relationship connector; they have faith and optimism
The Accumulator – the ‘banker’; they save money to spend on meaningful things
The Nurturer – they love to care for others; sponsor everyone except for themselves
The Ruler – the empire builder; they have a tendency to overwork and are diligent
The Celebrity – they like to flash cash
The Maverick – they love to do things differently to everyone else, including money
You might have a dominant type and then 2-3 sub-types. Have a listen and see what you think your ‘types’ are. What do you value?
What might your boss’ types be? What does s/he value? How could you use that information to your advantage when negotiating your next pay rise?
A cool quote from today’s ep about Money Languages:
“Say your boss is a Ruler-type. S/he will value hard work and so in your salary negotiation or performance review you might talk about your track record and how your work is positively impacting the business. “ (Julia Scott, guest on Her Ambitious Career podcast)
- Take Julia’s Money Language Quiz
- Get Rebecca’s MUST-HAVE Guide: ‘The 7 Habits of Female Execs Who Get Promoted’
- Listen to this too: Your Peer is Paid More Than You??! How to Get Strategic About Being Paid Properly
- This might be useful: 3 Ways to Ask for Your Biggest Pay Rise in 2023
- See all podcast episodes
About Julia:
Julia is ex-corporate Wealth Management and a certified Money Mindset expert. As a former financial advisor, she realised that there’s a gap in the market between women and the finance industry: women do money differently to men.
Julia helps women clear money blocks and set up systems to become super confident in attracting managing and growing wealth in their personal life and in business.
About Rebecca:
Hi, I’m Rebecca Allen and I’m an Executive Coach and Personal Brand expert for corporate women, aspiring to senior levels of leadership. I absolutely LOVE coaching and seeing my fabulous clients exceed their own expectations. I’ve worked for 12 years now as a coach and have helped women at companies including Woolworths, ANZ, J.P. Morgan, PwC, Coca-Cola Amatil, Ministry of Defence and Coles. I live for those phone calls from clients, jumping up and down, telling me they’ve got that promotion, negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. I’m a working mum of two wonderful children, adore travel and trying my hand at anything creative. I’d love to connect with you!
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