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How to Break Your Negative Cycles in 3 Steps

When you have a frustrating ‘blockage’ somewhere, holding you back and you just can’t get stuff done, check in to see where in your body the blockage feels ‘stuck’:

1. Is it in your head?
(the seat of anxiety, overwhelm, confusion and lacking confidence)

2. Is it in your heart?
(the seat of fear and guilt)

3. Or is it in your gut?
(the seat of doubt, danger, suspicion and uncertainty)



The truth is, all of these ‘roadblocks’ starts with:

#1 A thought, which produces…

#2 A feeling, which results in…

#3 An action (or in this case, an inaction).

Working with an experienced Career Coach, like me, can help you overcome your limiting beliefs and restrictive emotions really quickly by getting to the root cause of the ‘blockage’…

And breaking that cycle…

And have you focusing instead on getting promoted, landing dream opportunities and being paid what you’re genuinely worth.

If you’re ready to get forwards momentum in your career, I’d love to help you.

Rebecca x


Download my awesome free resource, ‘The Perfect Pay Rise Script’ right here and start enjoying the recognition you want today.


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