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How to Shake Your Imposter – Forever

Are your imposter thoughts popping up far too often at the moment?

Feelings of inadequacy…

Feelings of self-doubt about your skills and capabilities?

It’s downright exhausting, isn’t it?

And a road to nowhere really.

Which is why I recorded a free, 6 minute training just for you to help you sidestep this kind of limiting thinking and get out of your own way:

What are Imposter Thoughts for?

Ultimately your imposter thoughts are there to protect you…

To stop you from potentially failing… (and feeling stupid)…

But also…

Stopping you from edging beyond your comfort zone and seeing what you’re truly capable of.

Which is why you’ve got to have the courage to challenge them.


Imposter thoughts often show up with this formula:

“If I don’t do X, then I can’t Y”.


Let me elaborate:

If I don’t disagree with my boss in this meeting, then my comments can’t be ridiculed.”

If I don’t take over my boss’ role for the 2 months he’s overseas, then I can’t fail.” 

Does that formula resonate with you at all?


How to Challenge Imposter Thoughts

But isn’t it outrageous…

That you should allow some innate thoughts to determine your destiny for you?

Would you like that control back?

Would you like to feel – and BE – fully CONFIDENT about the impact you make…

So that…

You CAN speak up confidently in your meetings and share your ideas

You CAN step up into a new role, knowing you’ll learn anything new as you go

You CAN apply for a role, without having every skill requested in the job ad

You CAN… back yourself and just feel so proud of yourself every day.

Let me help you do exactly that!

Rebecca Allen x

Exec Coach, The Articulate Your Value Accelerator coaching program for female execs


Want to rid yourself of imposter thoughts and land a senior leadership promotion? Watch my free Masterclass right now!

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