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The Secret to Uncovering Your Strengths

Right now you might be feeling more vulnerable than usual, unsure about what the future holds and even doubting whether you can add the right value when the Covid-19 pandemic is all over.

What better time to offer you the chance to do some self-coaching and do a bit of work on uncovering your strengths?

Over the last 10 years of coaching professional women (just like you) one thing has been remarkably common: so many women are unsure of their strengths and often to the point that they undermine their strengths as being “nothing special”.

Sound familiar? 🙂


How to Uncover Your Strengths

There are umpteen books written about strengths and how to uncover them.

There are also umpteen personality profile ‘systems’ out there to help you discover more.

What I often find however, is that with the right structure, you can absolutely uncover them by yourself because, let’s face it, you know yourself better than anyone else.



I have studied strengths for years and all of these books and systems usually overlap, generally uncovering the same kinds of strengths time and time again, perhaps just labelled slightly differently.

Over the years I have compiled my own system which I’d love to share with you today… for FREE!

And that’s because I believe in you and also because with this knowledge, imagine the positive impact it could have on the rest of your life?

What if you suddenly became really clear about which strengths you should be using daily to set yourself up for success?

What positive difference would that make to your opportunities and to your outcomes?


So here’s an outline:

I’d like you to think about strengths in 3 buckets because this is how recruiters and managers think about it. The three areas are these:

  • Big Picture Strengths
  • Strengths to Make a Positive Impact on Others
  • Attitudes & Actions Strengths

You can even create three headers right now on a piece of paper and start brainstorming the strengths you know you have within each of these buckets, or pillars.

Now, because I’m ALL about practical, useful content that helps clients get clarity, move forwards and new results FAST, let me elaborate some more straight away:


** Big Picture Strengths **

I call these strengths ‘big picture’ because they are all about thinking more strategically (long term) about things. Strengths I would include in this pillar include: analytical; strategic; commercial; adaptable to changing circumstances.

Do you get your head out of the day-to-day detail and assess what might be coming round the corner?

Do you have a good eye for upcoming trends in your industry?

Can you identify new commercial opportunities for your business?

Are you able to be flexible and adapt readily to changing circumstances?

Do you see (and plan for) the ‘big picture’? 



** Strengths to Impact Others **

The strengths that fall under this pillar are so often overlooked by individuals (but never by recruiters or managers)! 🙂

If you have a track record of developing other people; retaining core talent; leveraging the strengths of those in your team… then please acknowledge this second that you are a MAJOR ASSET to your organisation. There are no two ways about it!

How do you impact others in a positive way?

How do you develop them and make them stronger?

Are you influential and build trust easily?  



** Attitudes & Actions Strengths **

How you think and what you do both matter – a lot. Are you self motivated and don’t need much management? Do you communicate clearly and concisely, so your instructions are understood? Do you show grit and determination even when the chips are down?

What attitudes do you naturally have that are actually seismic strengths?

What actions do you take that set you apart?

If you want to learn more about your STRENGTHS…

… and how you can align your role with your strengths so that you make it easier for yourself to shine in your career…

You may want to find out more about our group coaching course “The Career Accelerator Game Plan“.

Strengths are just one teeny part of this 6-modular course but we delve into them in HUGE depth… and it’s not just about uncovering what yours are, it’s also about learning how to develop and apply the specific strengths that will tip you into that Top 10% Talent Pool.

Sounds good right?

With the right structure and support you could gain tremendous confidence from working through our dynamic “Strengths and Value Add Audit” and, after just these 2 modules, be able to define the exact asset that you are…

… create a dynamic yet simple 12-24 month career plan that takes your own needs into account

… learn how to establish your own authority so you enter every conversation owning your value and presenting yourself as the incredible expert that you already are.

Rebecca x



Rebecca Allen, COI of Illuminate Personal Growth, works with professional women to help them take their careers to the next level. If you are feeling underwhelmed by your lack of career progress, looking for support and encouragement and keen to learn new skills to improve your prospects, then you’re in the right place. We provide online career courses, courses for women, live workshops and leadership trainings in Sydney as well as 1-1 executive coaching. Get in touch!

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