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What African Travel Taught Me About Landing a Dream Job

Have you ever dreamed of landing a dream job?

When I was a teenager, I fantasized of travelling to Africa. I have always been a massive wildlife-nut and am permanently plugged into David Attenborough shows.

As soon as I moved to London and began working, I started my Rebecca’s-Going-To-Africa fund.

Literally, I started saving whatever money I could to finance my trip and I remember once I hit £5,000 I started planning in earnest.

At age 25, I flew out solo to Nairobi.

The next few months were a dream come true…

I watched weaver birds build their teardrop nests on drooping acacia branches; visited Masai tribes and was welcomed into their homes that were filled with goats too as soon as dusk fell; I stopped to investigate abandoned nomadic camps, the houses clumped with animal dung; and observed Masai people going about their daily work…



I camped at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro; saw wild lions, zebra, giraffes, rhinos and cheetahs in the Ngorongoro Crater; sailed to Zanzibar island; tasted spices; snorkelled with poisonous lionfish (and got sunstroke – not so good); and watched fisherman haul in their nets…



I kayaked and camped for 3 days along the Zambezi river sharing the space with crocodiles, a lot of enormous hippos and elephants…



And stupidly drank a bubbling white potion from a witch doctor’s brew…



I abseiled down, and flew over, the Victoria Falls in a microlight; and one day, even rode an ostrich…



And camped near a traditional remote Xhosa village in the foothills of Zimbabwe…



I hiked in the Drakensburg mountain range; swam (yes) with great white sharks; hiked Table Mountain; and finally, met penguins on the shores of The Cape of Good Hope, the southern most tip of the world.



Living out that dream changed my life forever.​

I have always made life and career decisions on my own terms but that trip cemented that attitude.​

I choose to be purposeful about determining what I want, how I spend my time (and who I spend it with) for my life’s experience to be the most meaningful.

And I choose to settle for nothing less than the best opportunities for me.

Because why do anything less?

Landing A Dream Job

I changed careers and have, for the last 13 years worked in the most satisfying, most stretching role I could possibly have imagined.

As a Career Coach for women, empowering them to land dream roles and opportunities every day, ​​I absolutely love the impact my work makes and get so excited when I see my clients succeed in chasing down their own ambitions too.
What does landing a dream job look like for you?

What’s your dream role?

Is it the role you’re currently in, or not?

Are you clear what it looks like, or not?​

Would you like some expert help​ to achieve your dream job?​​​​​​​​​​​​

If so, I’d love to help you, don’t you think?

Life is far too short to settle for mediocrity.

So decide right in this moment now, that you are worth every second and you owe it to yourself to chase down those extraordinary opportunities.

Are you with me?

Rebecca x

P.S. If you are ready now to make your career a priority, you might want to get hold of one of our most popular downloads, The 7 Habits of Female Execs Who Get Promoted – it’s a great first step to help you land that dream job!


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