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My Big Breakthrough Moment
Do you know that feeling when you’ve been working really late (repeatedly)…
You’re busting your guts to get your project finished, it’s Day 11 now and your boss just gave you more work to do… and you meekly replied, “Sure, no problem…” and you just added that baby to your increasing pile of stuff to get done, kicking yourself for not saying “No.”?
Yep that was me too.
In my previous working life, I worked in the 24/7 advertising industry in London.
I was on the Account Teams for HSBC Global, Kimberly Clark, firstdirect bank and Pfizer which meant I was managing senior Heads of Marketing and Marketing Directors as well as the needs of our own creative teams, client insight strategy teams and finance.
There was always a lot of work to get done…
A lot of people (and personalities) to manage…
A lot of projects to deliver…
And only one me.
I got caught in that trap of believing the ‘doing’ mattered most…
Being seen to work late…
Being a ‘yes’ wo-man and taking on anything and everything…
And after months (possibly years of adopting this burnout strategy)…
And being asked by my then boss to work over the weekend…
I had this lightning, lightbulb flash moment… I realised that my ‘results’ actually mattered a whole heap more than ‘doing the work’.
I decided I need to take charge and become more strategic about how I managed my time…
I started to look first at the ultimate result I needed to create…
And then, rather than just starting at the beginning and ploughing my way through it…
I worked out what I needed (resource) to help me achieve that ultimate outcome, or result.
I asked for a team member to delegate to…
I divided my tasks into High Value and Low Value and delegated the lower value tasks out…
I decided on key outcomes for me (and my career) and what needed to happen and who needed to know about my aspirations and the results I was getting…
I arranged bi-monthly catch ups with my boss to fill her in on the positive outcomes I was achieving…
I pushed back on certain tasks that I was being asked to do or delegated them…
In a nutshell, I started to take control over my own career and decided how I wanted to run it.
Of course, there were setbacks and days where my boundaries were crossed… but every day I was learning more about being more purposeful in my career.
And it felt good!
I felt stronger and more responsible.
And by focusing on – and talking about – the results I was getting, I started getting more recognition too.
How are you taking purposeful control over your career and its outcomes?
I always want to hear from you! You can add your comments below…
What strategies are getting you on top of your to do list?
What strategies are getting you the recognition you deserve?
Rebecca x
BIO: Rebecca Allen has coached hundreds of female managers over the last decade to help them realise their true potential and become their brilliance. Our virtual courses are designed to empower you to take control of your career, pave the way to your success and to get ahead – not just professionally but personally too.
© Rebecca Allen, Illuminate Personal Growth. All rights reserved. To replicate part or all of this article please seek written permission first.
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