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Podcast Ep 15: ‘The 5 Fears That Are Keeping You Completely Stuck’

Welcome to Her Ambitious Career, the personal branding and success podcast for corporate women who want to land dream opportunities in their careers and get that recognition they so deserve.

In Episode 15, ‘The 5 Fears That Are Keeping You Completely Stuck’, I am talking about one of my most favourite subjects: mindset!

Whatever you’re seeking to achieve in your life or career, the chances are, if you’re feeling stuck and unclear there will be a fear that’s running riot in your mind and creating your stagnation.



Highlights of the episode:

  • The 5 most common fears are listed out so you can identify which one is your biggest nemesis right now
  • I share a simple first step to start overcoming those fears
  • Why taking big action in our lives and careers is SO worth it… to create that deep sense of satisfaction we all crave and live for!

Tune in here:



Here’s something that stood out for me in today’s episode:

“This feeling of constantly feeling unrecognised comes up so often for my clients, feeling invisible, feeling stuck, feeling trapped. And that sinking feeling that your potential is being wasted.

Maybe you’ve got that churning sensation in your stomach or a tightness in your chest?

And fear is what’s actually keeping you stuck – which is why we need to identify what your particular fear is first – the fear that stopping you from taking that first step.” (Rebecca Allen, Career Success Coach and host of Her Ambitious Career podcast)


Host Bio:

Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for ambitious corporate women who want to land dream opportunities and thrive personally too. She loves getting those excited phone calls from clients saying they’ve been promoted, have negotiated seismic pay rises or have moved into roles completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths.

  • Life is too short to settle for a mediocre career role.
  • Life is too short to allow fear to hold you back.
  • Life is too short to be passive and allow your career – or your life – just to ‘happen’ to you.

Let’s disrupt this pattern you’re in and make some changes!

Rebecca x



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