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How to Self-Promote WITHOUT Being Salesy or Inauthentic

Here are 3 reasons you aren’t self-promoting with impact right now:

Reason #1:
Your current definition of ‘self-promotion’ is negative

(i.e. talking about you feels ‘slimy’; it’s ‘inauthentic’; or ‘only really arrogant people self-promote’) … and you’ve convinced yourself you’d have to COMPROMISE yourself to do it

Reason #2:
You’re doubting if your results are even worth talking about

Reason #3:
You fear that talking about you could result in other people judging you negatively i.e. you’ll be seen as a slimy, arrogant, office-politician



Whilst all these thoughts are swirling around your head… 🤯

Telling you to avoid self-promotion at all costs…

You’re backing out from important opportunities to talk about your impact…

… whilst your peers are likely building their visibility and are now top-of-mind for the best future opportunities.

🤩 TIP: Don’t sacrifice your success because you believe there’s only one way to get ahead.

Rebecca x

P.S. If you want to go deeper into understanding how to define your tangible value…. and be super confident about sharing your impact, WITHOUT having to compromise yourself…

I’m sharing the steps in my free Masterclass. Book your spot right here!

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