How to Push Back on a Mediocre Job Offer
Should you just accept or push back on a mediocre job offer? I just got off the phone with a new client, Miranda, who has been in her current role for 2 years. She was beyond frustrated… even angry… I…
Should you just accept or push back on a mediocre job offer? I just got off the phone with a new client, Miranda, who has been in her current role for 2 years. She was beyond frustrated… even angry… I…
Welcome to Her Ambitious Career, the personal branding and success podcast for corporate women who want to land dream opportunities in their careers and secure the promotions they so deserve. This episode I have a very special guest joining me:…
Why Women Aren't Building Relationships With Senior Leaders I was chatting with a good friend of mine recently, who happens to sit on the Executive Team of a global business. She told me how frustrating it was to see how…
So a big complaint that a lot of my clients are coming to me with right now is that they’re struggling to be (and feel) relevant, working from home. This seems to be exacerbated with clients whose global offices operate…
I watched a gorgeous chocolate-coloured dog just now, waiting outside my local coffee shop. He was the most delightful little spaniel, with huge curious eyes and an alert face. As I watched him, I noticed how obedient he was,…
Have you ever encountered sexism in the workplace? Have you found it difficult to challenge stereotypes and sexist comments? Would you like some tools to counter unconscious bias? There is a spectrum upon which ignorant, sexist comments are made: sometimes…
Have you ever felt rock bottom with your confidence? I distinctly remember being in one of those weekly meetings in my early days, working in advertising, and feeling very unconfident indeed. I felt out of my depth, like I didn't…
Kamala Harris, attorney and US Democratic VP nominee, was interrupted by current VP Mike Pence over 20 times during their recent 90 minute debate. So every 4.5 minutes, he talked over her. It's caused a bit of a furore online…