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“The BEST YOU Breakthrough” Live Workshop

Wow! What an event our last live workshop was! And largely because the beautiful women who attended were so engaged and totally immersed themselves in the content. We had demos, we had lots of group discussion, pair work, a-ha moments and… absolutely, 100% I can safely say… we had some incredible breakthroughs too.



If you’re looking for an fun, practical and effective personal development course in Sydney, you have absolutely found it. We had RAVE reviews from the attendees:



It is always a privilege to be part of facilitating clients’ growth moments – all I do is give them a nudge and they suddenly make a big shift in their heads. Often, just like that, an issue that has been getting in their way for ages (if not, forever) just shifts… and they then have the all-important choice whether to stay stuck or… to make a new decision.

In a group setting, these a-ha moments are somehow even more exhilarating and especially when we have already established the boundaries to ensure it is safe for people to make these leaps.

If you are looking for support, encouragement and even a bit of a kick up the **** to make new changes in your life and career, join us at “The BEST YOU Breakthrough.”



You’ll love this course – and any of our courses – if you feel:

  • Frustrated by your lack of progression and recognition
  • Unsure how meaningful, or how positive, your impact really is
  • Isolated, unable to voice your challenges for fear of judgment
  • You are repeating the same year over and over, not growing or developing new skills and having the same monotonous experience
  • Frustrated you are being overlooked for incredible, life-changing career opportunities
  • Sick of the politics and managers constantly ‘managing up’, without taking the time to develop you
  • Stressed about your income and whether you can afford your lifestyle, or ever lead the life you dream of
  • Concerned about your relationship and how work-burnout is now having a negative impact at home
  • Ashamed of where you are in your career having envisaged something much bigger, bolder or higher paid


If any of those common issues resonated, we HEAR you! 

We HEAR you and we’ve got your back!

Our clients often comment on how supportive our events are. Effective personal development IS stretching. There is no doubt about it – infact it would be worthless if it wasn’t challenging. Only with that challenge will you experience true growth and start making huge leaps in your personal and professional lives. And the wonderful thing is, these experiences don’t need to feel scary or challenging. In fact, you’ll probably find making these shifts is actually really quite FUN!

Join us! We would love to see you at our next event.


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