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Download your Q2 copy of

The Women’s Career Hub

our complimentary quarterly magazine


Download Historical Issues:


The Confidence Issue – Q1 2021  includes:

– Mentor Interview with Judith Sturman: ‘How to Lead as an Introvert’

– Feature: ‘3 Steps to Easy Confidence’

– Video: ‘Realising Your Potential with Workplace Confidence’

– And so, so much more!


The Self-Kindness Issue – Q4 2020  includes:

– Land Your Dream Job: Client Case Study

– Feature: ‘5 Secrets to True Self-Kindness’

– Video: ‘The 5 Categories of Emotional Intelligence’

-And such a lot more! Come on in!



The Recognise Your Value Issue – Q3 2020  includes:

– Mentor Interview with leading Solicitor Selma Masood: ‘The Art of Influence’

– Feature: ‘5 Vital Reasons to Own Your Value’

– Video: ‘How to Define What Success Means to You’

– And more coming from our free, private facebook community of professional women!

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