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[VIDEO]: How to Recognise Your Value and STOP Trying to Be Exceptional Every Day

Isn’t it exhausting trying to be EXCEPTIONAL all the time? 😅

* Perhaps you’re over-delivering at work…
* Trying to be the best partner you can be, the best mum, the best friend?
* Maybe you’re taking on more work (even though you don’t have the capacity)…
* And trying to live up to what the media tells us matters: to also be attractive, wrinkle-free, slimmer…. oh, you get the picture!

And, you might be telling yourself that you need to…

Do ALL of this…

All at the SAME time…



The crazy part is…

As a high achiever, you might actually be delivering all of this... but you could also still be undermining your achievements as you go.

Still telling yourself it’s not enough… and that you’re not enough….

… and you should be doing MORE!


(Watch this blogpost in video form) >>

How To Recognise Your Own Value

So I’m here to say today: take an objective step back…

Because you’re already a total success… you’re just not seeing it yet.

And, if you want to see what I can see in you…

And learn the steps to define exactly how you’re ALREADY adding phenomenal value to your team and organisation…

So you can stop wasting time doubting it

And start investing your time in genuinely stepping up in your career

Then I’d love to invite you to watch my FREE Masterclass…

… where I am sharing the exact 5-step framework to back yourself, confidently talk about your achievements and career expectations so that you get promoted faster….

…and be confident in who you are TODAY.🤩

Click HERE to grab your spot in my FREE class, before it’s full! 

Rebecca x

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