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Want a Promotion? 5 Important Factors That Are Missing From Your Career Strategy

What would you say is currently missing from your career strategy?

Here are 5 common problems, that you need to solve, if you want to get promoted to senior leadership:

1. You don’t have enough visibility
Maybe you aren’t known to key, influential stakeholders…

2. You don’t have a consistent platform
Perhaps you lack a platform, like a regular meeting, to share your ideas and expertise with confidence

3. You’re being too passive
It could be that you are passive in group settings, or are doubting the value you can add, rather than having your own agenda to share key information and elevate your position

4. You’re not being seen as senior leadership material
Perhaps you aren’t demonstrating key behaviours, to build trust that you’re ready for promotion

5. You aren’t strategic enough
Maybe you’re being perceived as purely ‘operational’ and not strategic enough


How to Start Getting More Strategic About Your Career

So did you agree with any of these 5 factors? Maybe ALL of them?

If you agree that even ONE of these factors is missing from your current career strategy to get promoted…

… but you don’t know how to start making these changes…

,,,then you’ll love my 8-week online course, The Articulate Your Value Accelerator which is both practical and strategic… exactly what you need to land that promotion!

It’s a 5-step system that will help you get super clear on your value…

Help you talk about that value in succinct and professional terms…

And give you the strategies to start showing up at a more senior level.

Are you ready?​

Your first step is to watch my free Masterclass! Click here to get a load of strategies to get you started!

Rebecca x

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