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“But I Work So Hard! Why Didn’t I Get The Recognition I Want?!”

“I work so hard but I don’t get the recognition I want?!”

“They must know what a great job I’m doing…!”

“Why do I keep being overlooked for a promotion when I work this hard?”

Does any of that resonate with you?

In my business, I come across so many intelligent women.

They’re high achievers


Hard workers, often going ‘above and beyond’…

But… too often to their own detriment.



The Problem…

Perhaps at school, you were used to writing killer essays and within a day, getting that A* recognition from your teacher.

We all know that corporate life just isn’t like that…

But for many women, that expectation hasn’t fully adjusted.

And so…

What tends to happen, is they dive into what they know best: working even harder.

The problem with giving it your all

Whilst not getting the deep satisfaction of recognition…

Is that it starts to impacts your esteem.

You begin to question your own capability and whether or not you’re adding genuine value to your organisation.

The self-doubt creeps in.

And the truth is…

(I’m a coach, so it’s always about being direct and getting to the point)…

The real lack of recognition is actually coming from you.



But, What If…

>> But what if… I could teach you how to value your own contributions more deeply?

>> What if… you could start to quantify and verbalise the tangible value you are already adding and talk about it with confidence and authenticity?

>> What if… you could grow in confidence to be able to negotiate better salaries, land new roles and really show what you’re capable of?

What then?

What would change for you?



Let’s Talk 3 Strategies…

If you are feeling overworked (and overlooked)…

(Because I’m ALL about arming you with practical strategies to fast track your progress…)

Here are 3 ideas to get you back in the driving seat, fast:

Strategy #1

Realise that ‘working hard’ by itself does not = recognition (in the corporate world, it never has done and never will).

Rule number 1 is to assume nothing. Don’t assume that your boss realises you want a promotion; setting expectations is down to you.

Have you explained that you’re expecting a promotion, as a result of delivering on key outcomes? If not, that’s your first step.


Strategy #2

Recognition starts first with YOU understanding your own value and impact (and not passively waiting around for others to acknowledge it in you).

A quick starting point is doing a bit of self-analysis.

Make a 3-column list (Team, Clients, Business Objectives) and define how you’re currently making a positive impact across each measure.

See what you come up with. 🙂



Strategy #3

Review your KPIs and workload to prevent burnout.

Are these two working in harmony? Can you hit your KPIs with your current workload?

Do you need to push back on new projects that keep being added?

Do you need some boundaries in place and to say ‘no’ more often?

Can you delegate tasks?

How can you focus more energy on your high value tasks – the ones that are going to make the most impact on key objectives?



Let’s Take Some Action…

If you aren’t getting the outcomes you want in your career, then something’s got to change.

Taking action, however small, should always be your first step; being passive is never an option if you’re serious about fast tracking your progress.

What will your first step be?

What strategies have you used to get the recognition you want?

Rebecca x

Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for corporate women. She helps them get promoted faster, get paid appropriately and build phenomenal, life-changing confidence in themselves and their value.

Are you ready to step it up in your career? Talk to Rebecca and start enjoying new results in your career with some new, practical strategies.


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