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Ep 12 – Principles of Authenticity for Women Leaders, with guest Kate Sibbett

Do you want to lead authentically? I find a lot of women do… but aren’t sure exactly how to do it. Kate shares some ideas today to help.



What is authentic leadership?

  • The 3 core principles of Authentic Leadership
  • How women can be authentic in their leadership at work, build trust and be results-driven
  • The benefits of Adaptable Leadership
  • And leveraging your authentic strengths


Episode Quote:

“People are expecting more from their leaders and the next skill up is the emotional piece [being more empathetic].”

“I have learned that change is the only constant, and we must learn to adjust, adapt, and never lose the desire to progress and challenge ourselves personally and professionally.”

“We take for granted how much we [women] actually do in a day because it’s expected.”
(Kate Sibbett, guest on Her Ambitious Career podcast)




About Kate:

Kate Sibbett is a mum of two-year-old twin boys, she’s south African and has now lived for over a decade in UK and a decade in Singapore too. Her corporate background is in Events (BCD Meetings & Events, focusing on Strategic Meetings Management for blue chip companies within the Finance and Pharmaceutical sector and Merck Sharpe and Dohme, as Regional Head of Operations for MSDs Travel, Meetings and Corporate Card Program).

Kate is also one of the co-founders of She Brilliance, a mentoring program established in Singapore to help women grow in confidence and build greater purpose in their lives and careers. “I want to give back and be part of something bigger than myself,” Kate says, “To live life with a purpose that, in turn, helps others.  I have always had a passion for women supporting women, and effective leadership. She Brilliance is such an exciting project!”


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About Rebecca:

Hi, I’m Rebecca Allen and I’m an Executive Coach and Personal Brand expert for corporate women, aspiring to senior levels of leadership. I absolutely LOVE coaching and seeing my fabulous clients exceed their own expectations. I’ve worked for 11 years now as a coach and have helped women at companies including Woolworths, ANZ, J.P. Morgan, PwC, Coca-Cola Amatil, Ministry of Defence and Coles. I live for those phone calls from clients, jumping up and down, telling me they’ve got that promotion, negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. I’m a working mum of two wonderful children, adore travel and trying my hand at anything creative. I’d love to connect with you!


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