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Podcast Ep 21: Learn How to Self-Validate: Take My End-of-Year ‘RECAP Challenge’!

Welcome to Her Ambitious Career, the personal branding and success podcast for corporate women who want to land dream opportunities in their careers and get that recognition they so deserve.

In Episode 21,  ‘Learn How to Self-Validate: Take My End-of-Year ‘RECAP Challenge’!’ I am sharing one of my signature tools, that I use in my coaching business with my clients, to help them learn how to recognise the impact they are actually making. And you can do it too!

Being able to self-validate is a HUGE skill. It saves you time, anxiety and helps build confidence fast.



If you ever self-doubt, undermine yourself or belittle your value… this is definitely the episode for you!

This conversation is super practical (practical is one of my values!!!) so make sure you have a pen and notepad to get brainstorming!

Highlights of the episode:

  • I share my 5-step RECAP Model with you to help you break down the exact impact you have been making – both at work and personally – this year
  • Use this tool to regularly review how you’re tracking and remind yourself of the impact you’re making
  • Learn how to stop seeking other people’s perspective as to whether or not you’re doing a great job! With this tool, you’ll be able to change this habit so that you can self-validate with ease and confidently build your profile at work.

Let’s do it!!



Episode Quotes:

“There’s no value in being a high achiever who just wants to keep achieving… without ever acknowledging the outputs of your day. Similarly always seeking external validation (from your boss or partner) is no use either: you must learn how to look internally  at where and how you’re making a difference.”  (Rebecca Allen, Career Success Coach and host of Her Ambitious Career podcast)



Some More About Your Host:

Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for ambitious women who want more from their lives and careers. She has worked over the last 10+ years with clients from companies including ANZ Bank, Origin Energy, J.P. Morgan and Coca-Cola Amatil and loves getting those excited phone calls from clients saying they’ve been promoted, have negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. Her own ambitions include raising two beautiful, happy confident children; building a fun and impactful coaching business that empowers 50,000 women worldwide; and visiting Alaska! You can check Rebecca out at www.illuminategrowth.com.au




>> If you’re a corporate woman and you’re interested in speaking with Rebecca about our 12-month Diamond Tier Coaching & Leadership programbook a 15-minute Strategy Call right now. You’ll share some of your current challenges and ambitions for the future… and leave with a clear step to move forwards. If you’re a good fit for the program, you can chat about that at the end



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