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Challenging the ‘I Don’t Feel Good Enough’ Conundrum

Unfortunately, too many women share the ‘I don’t feel good enough’ feeling…

And a lot of that stems from the fact that we are wired, as humans, to compare ourselves to others.

We have evolved to compete and survive; comparison is the natural output of that process:

  • Am I strong enough?
  • Will my species survive?

But modern society also forces additional layers of self-evaluation and comparison upon us:

  • Am I successful enough?
  • Am I good enough?
  • Am I rich enough?
  • Am I a good enough parent?
  • Do I fit in enough?
  • Am I smart enough?
  • Am I slim enough?
  • Am I wrinkle-free enough?
  • Am I attractive enough?


So much of human insecurity stems from not feeling good ‘enough’…

In the pursuit of unobtainable ideals and often across multiple aspects all at the same time:

“I want to be rich and successful and pretty and slimmer and wildly successful at work and an A* parent and eating really healthy and be funny at parties… and… why do I feel like I’m failing?”



The Default ‘I Don’t Feel Good Enough’ Is So Easy To Fall Into…

Esteem is a fragile thing because of this never-ending comparison…

But also because all of our achievements are short lived.

We achieve.

We feel high.

We might get some praise.

We might even win a medal.

Or have our face strewn across the media.

But the next day…

Things always return to normal and the praise and recognition have gone. And where is your esteem then?

You have to start all over again from scratch and build your esteem up again to achieve some new high.

Which is a really, really exhausting cycle to be in.

Would you agree?



Learn How to Flip Self Doubt

Working on yourself;

Learning to manage your critical voice;

And to judge your achievements solely on your own measures…

Is not just important for your success and fulfilment…

It’s vital for your sanity too. 😉

Rebecca  x

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Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for professional women who want to land dream career opportunities and enjoy far greater fulfilment in their work. She does this through Personal Branding strategy, Proactive Career Management, and Growth Mindset coaching. Rebecca has been coaching for 14 years for clients from ANZ, Deloitte, Origin Energy, Coca-Cola Amatil, J. P. Morgan Chase, McKinsey and IHS Markit to name a few.

Read client testimonials and get free resources.


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