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[VIDEO] “I Feel Invisible At Work”

Have you ever said, “I feel invisible at work.”?

Maybe you’re struggling to be recognised in your current role?

Perhaps you’re working super duper hard, but you feel as if those efforts are being taken for granted?

Now what’s interesting about this idea, is that I feel invisible at work…” actually means:

  • “My work is not being recognised…”
  • “My contribution is not being recognised by the key decision makers around me…”
  • “My inputs are not known about…”

There is a big differentiator between these statements…

Have you already identified what it is?

That’s it – you guessed it!

In the first example, “I feel invisible…” the sentiment is personalised.

In other words, the individual is taking the situation personally.

As soon as they de-personalise the statement, and make it about their ‘contribution’ or their ‘inputs’ or their ‘work’…

Suddenly they can address the situation more objectively.

Suddenly they have clarity of what they can do about it.

Rather than feeling under personal attack.

Here’s a quick video I recorded all about this topic – check it out:



Some Action Steps Just For You…

So how can you make sure your work, your inputs, your contribution are known about?

One of your first steps is to start defining what you want…

To get super clear about what KPIs you want to hit…

And then taking real action towards achieving that end.

As the evidence of your impact starts to mount you’ll begin to recognise for yourself all the value you’re adding.

And with that renewed self-recognition and confidence… you might be surprised to see other people recognising your impact more too.

I promise you…

Owning your value is just the beginning

Where could it take you?

Rebecca x

Hey I’m Rebecca Allen and I’m a Career Success Coach for corporate women who are seeking promotions, pay rises and the visibility they need to succeed in their careers. If you’re ready to think differently about how you get awesome results in your career I’d love to invite you to book a free 15-minute strategy call with me – let’s speak.



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