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How to Plan Your Career More Strategically

Have you ever wondered how to plan your career more strategically?

When I first talk to new clients, they often tell me they feel “stuck”, “unclear”, “powerless” or as if they “are just drifting”.

It’s a wholly debilitating feeling isn’t it?

And if this resonates, believe me, you aren’t alone!

Common Career Challenges Women Face

Here are 5 common traps you might have fallen into – which applies best to you?

1.You just don’t know what you want; other people are dictating your path for you.

2. You’re settling for a mediocre role, grateful almost for having a job at all.

3. You don’t believe you are ready, or worthy, of taking on a more stretching or more senior role.

4. You may be passive in learning about other potential opportunities around you.

5. Perhaps you’re weighing up more than one opportunity and don’t know which is the best option to take…


So How Do You Get That Career Direction?

Your first move should be to make the decision that your successful career is 100% worth pursuing…

Get off the fence and commit to it.

(BTW it’s never too late and you’re not too old to chase your dream career – these are the 2 most common excuses I hear at this juncture).


It’s time to become more purposeful about chasing down only those best career opportunities

The ones you have been putting off applying for…

The ones you have been telling yourself you’re not ready nor good enough for

The ones that you know would give you soooo much more career satisfaction… if only you’d put yourself forwards for them…

(You know the ones I mean).


How to Plan Your Career More Strategically


As I like directness, practical direction and strategy…

Here are 5 questions to get you started on your pursuit of getting greater career clarity and direction.

Grab some paper and start thinking about your career from a fresh perspective…

Ask yourself:

1.What is the ultimate mission of my career? What do I want my ultimate role to be and why?

2.For the next 6-12 months to have been wildly successful for me, what would have happened?

3.What is missing right now from my current opportunity?

4.What do I need most right now to be wildly successful myself?

5.Which of my strengths am I using, and which strengths are being totally under-utilised in my current role?



Without purposeful career management, you will continue to drift and feel underwhelmed by your opportunities and unrecognised for your contribution.

It’s time to position yourself as the expert – and asset – that you are, gain visibility and recognition, and start landing those golden opportunities!

Rebecca x


Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for professional women who want to land dream career opportunities and enjoy far greater fulfilment in their work. She does this through Personal Branding strategy, Proactive Career Management, and Growth Mindset coaching. Rebecca has been coaching for 14 years for clients from ANZ, Deloitte, Origin Energy, Coca-Cola Amatil, J. P. Morgan Chase, McKinsey and IHS Markit to name a few.

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