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How to Talk About Your Value With Confidence

Have you ever struggled to talk about your value and where you’re making an impact?

You know, I work with clients all the time on building their confidence…

And I’ve found, over the last decade of coaching intelligent, passionate professional women, just like you

That the real reason why so many women lack confidence…

In themselves and their abilities..

Is certainly not that they are less capable… or less intelligent… or less qualified than those around them…

(Even though that might be what some of them think)…

It is because they have never taken the time to fully understand the value they add.

And when you become clear on how and where you add value…

Everything changes.

Have I got your attention? 😉


How To Talk About Your Value With Confidence


If you’ve been wondering what ‘professional value’ really means…

And if you’re asking whether or not you actually have any ‘tangible value’ to talk about…

Hold those thoughts…

Because I really want to share with you how you can do this really, really easily.

Let’s just start with some simple questions that you can brainstorm right now…



5 Questions to Help You Talk About Your Value With Confidence

Here goes:

Value Question #1

What positive impact do you make?

Note to self:  ‘do’ is the important word…

It implies you are already making a big impact (which I can guarantee, you are).


Now that question alone can be divided into 3 other important questions…

(I hope you’ve got a notepad and pen to do some serious brainstorming right now)…

‘Impact’ can mean many things – here are 3 important ones:


Value Question #2

– What KPIs are you hitting?


Value Question #3

– What commercial value do you add?


Value Question #4
– How do you develop and retain the people around you?


Value Question #5
– How does your expertise deepen discussion or steer decision making?


These simple questions are just 5 examples of how you might already be adding value. There are plenty more…

‘Already’ is another vital word there by the way…

Because you are already adding far more value than you might think…

And it’s up to you to be super clear about what that value is.

Start becoming more purposeful about mining for the mountain of diamonds you’re already sitting on

What value do you already add?

Rebecca x



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How to Get Paid What You’re Worth, with Rebecca Allen, Career Success Coach for Women

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